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Latest Marvel News: As Taylor Swift trumps the Multiverse Saga, an MCU project you’ve probably never seen might’ve just disappeared forever

Kevin Feige needs to just cast her as Dazzler already.

Taylor Swift-Watcher-Multiverse
Photo via Marvel Studios/Mat Hayward/TAS23/Getty Images/ Remix by Apeksha Bagchi

The Marvel fandom is enormous, there’s no doubting that, but it seems MCU maniacs have finally met their match in the form of the most devoted die-hards in the music industry — the so-called Swifty army of international megastar and potential Deadpool 3 star, Taylor Swift. Meanwhile, speaking of musicals, the most hard-to-watch MCU project may have just disappeared off the face of the planet forever. Oh, what a cruel way to end the summer.

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The Era Tour movie proves MCU fans have nothing on Swifties by destroying Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s presales record

Tobey Maguire (L) and Andrew Garfield (R) as Peter 2 and Peter 3 in Marvel's 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'.
Image via Marvel Studios

Marvel fans go back to December 2021 all the time, as Spider-Man: No Way Home is the most well-reviewed and most financially successful MCU movie since Avengers: Endgame bar none, and yet Taylor Swift has already defeated that monolithic multiversal crossover extravaganza. T-Swizzle’s surprise Era Tour movie has broken the previously all-encompassing presales ticket record of the Spidey threequel. Given that she’s already forced The Exorcist reboot forward a week, the message is clear: Swifties leave MCU and horror lovers in the dust. Let’s just hope this doesn’t cause any bad blood between Taylor and Marvel.

You might’ve just missed your last chance to catch the one MCU project you won’t find anywhere in cinemas or on streaming

Image via Marvel Studios

The MCU has spawned its fair share of unlikely spinoffs, but the sheer unexpected existence of Rogers: The Musical definitely takes the cake. As inspired by a memorable gag from Hawkeye, Disney California Adventure has played host to an actual, honest-to-Gorr real-life version of the stage play all about Captain America since it had its first performance in June. Sadly, after three months of treading the boards, the show has now concluded, with it very much unclear if the production will be taken to other Disney parks or potentially even released on Disney Plus. As it stands, then, Rogers is easily the least-seen MCU entry to date.

No matter how hard Gywneth Paltrow tells us otherwise, rumor claims Marvel has a plan for Pepper Potts

Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts in 'Iron Man 3'
Image via Marvel Studios

Gwyneth Paltrow just tried her darndest to convince us she has no intention to return to the MCU, even throwing her character’s independence and agency under the bus in the process, and yet even that hasn’t shut down talk of Pepper Potts popping back to the franchise. In the face of her recent call on social media for fans to stop yelling at her to come back as Rescue, rumors have risen up claiming that, despite what Paltrow’s saying, Marvel has plans for Pepper in the Multiverse Saga. To be honest, Gwyneth has forgotten whole Marvel movies that she’s been in before, so this could actually be a thing.