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Latest Sci-Fi News: ‘The Mandalorian’ adds an ‘SNL’ legend to its cast as blame for the Multiverse Saga falls on Bucky Barnes

There's a good argument for Bucky's guilt.

Bucky Barnes in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
via Disney Plus

A fresh episode of The Mandalorian has Star Wars back on sci-fi fanatics’ minds, as they continue to bask in the entrance of several fan-favorite actors. 

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Last week it was Ahmed Best, as he made an impactful return to a franchise that burned him the first time around, and this week a brand new Star Wars addition is riling fans up. The arrival of an SNL favorite among the branching Mandalorian cast is ramping up interest in the series, as it passes its season three mid-point.

The MCU is having far less luck in keeping fan attention on its properties. The last several Marvel releases have largely flopped among audiences, which could spell bad news for the future of the franchise. A recent theory about the real culprit behind the cinematic universe’s constant strife might just illuminate where the Avengers’ problems really started, but even a deep dive into Bucky Barnes’ history might not be enough to keep audiences coming back for more.

Even the worst MCU release is far better than many sci-fi offerings out there, unfortunately, and the cinematic attempt to bring Ender’s Game to life is a perfect example. The literary work could have made for an excellent film, but the bungled mess that instead arrived on screens is painfully common among sci-fi attempts. 

Ender’s Game’s rise on streaming is full of reminders about why the film flopped


Many of us put the cinematic adaptation of Ender’s Game from our minds years ago, but the 2013 flick is edging its way back into attention as its 10-year anniversary looms. The film is on a sharp rise on streaming, where people are giving it a renewed wave of attention, but viewers are still coming away wanting. A reboot may be in order, but the utter failure of the first attempt may keep filmmakers wary of this particular title for a few years yet. 

Bucky Barnes takes the blame for all the MCU’s problems

Sebastian Stan
Photo via Marvel Studios

The latest phase in the MCU hasn’t gone over great, but it’s still introducing plenty of literally Earth-shattering threats for the Avengers to take on. The heroes introduced across several dozen MCU films have taken on a lot over the years, and one viewer thinks it can all be traced back to one character. They make a surprisingly ironclad argument that, had Bucky never killed Howard Stark, many of the problems that plague the fictional world would cease to exist. People quickly traced the culprit back even further, proving that — at the end of the day — it’s easy to point fingers, but far harder to account for every detail. 

Tim Meadows makes his Star Wars debut

Tim Meadows in 'The Mandalorian'
Image via Disney Plus

SNL legend Tim Meadows is officially part of the Star Wars universe, thanks to the most recent episode of The Mandalorian. Meadows made his debut as a very bored-looking bureaucrat who muddies up attempts to aid Nevarro, and fans instantly fell in love. He may not make many other appearance in the Star Wars universe, given the relatively background nature of his character, but his connections to Elia Kane might mean more screen time for Meadows later on.