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Latest Sci-Fi News: Zack Snyder’s planned deviations from the DC canon raise eyebrows as ‘Doctor Who’ 60th anniversary gets another cryptic teaser

Would this be enough for fans to turn their backs on the SnyderVerse?

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Photo via Warner Bros.

While we may never get to see Zack Snyder’s planned Justice League sequels, the director recently explained what some of those future flicks would’ve entailed from a narrative perspective, and fans don’t know if they agree with it.

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In other news, the BBC has just released another promo teaser for the upcoming 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, probably hinting that more trailers and sneak peeks are on the way, while Stephen King trends yet again for messing up a blurb.

Maybe it’s for the best that Warner Bros. never gave Zack Snyder the opportunity to realize his cinematic universe

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Image via Warner Bros.

For some reason that eludes us still, Zack Snyder has a very loyal fanbase. Everyone remembers the fierce campaigns to see the filmmaker’s uncut version of Justice League, and even now, a lot of people are refusing to acknowledge James Gunn as the new DCU boss and continue to call for Snyder’s reinstatement. But perhaps Snyder’s recent revelations about the next Justice League movies and the deviations from DC canon might finally compel them to relent. The director recently talked at length about what he was going to do with these characters in future movies, and some of these details aren’t sitting well with the community, to say the least.

Stephen King attempts to promote a fellow novelist, but it all goes awry

Photo via Rick Kern/WireImage

Getting a blurb from Stephen King himself is an honor that few authors have received in the past few decades, even if the Horror maestro is in the habit of sharing his personal opinions on social media ad infinitum. His latest endorsement was a 2022 novel by Barbara Kingsolver called Demon Copperhead, but the author’s kind words were overshadowed by the foul-up of getting the name wrong. Happens to everyone, right? Besides, we’re sure Kingsolver doesn’t mind it either, not when it’s coming from the king himself.

Doctor Who 60th anniversary special gets another short teaser, driving fans almost insane with anticipation

Image via BBC

At this point, the BBC is just trolling patient Doctor Who fans with breadcrumbs. After waiting months for a proper trailer heralding the return of David Tennant as the 10th Doctor, the network has released a 6-second teaser that not only answers any questions, narrative-wise, but raises a dozen more questions in its wake.

While we’re almost losing our minds in the excruciating wait until November, this might also indicate that a full trailer is coming in the next couple of weeks, so make sure to stay tuned for more updates.