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Leaked Avengers: Endgame Pop! Vinyls Tease The Heroes’ New Looks

With Avengers: Endgame just a few months away from release, you can imagine that there’s a whole load of merchandise just waiting to be green-lit, and among those tie-in products is apparently a new line of Pop! Vinyl figures, with some artwork for the designs recently making its way online.

Thor Infinity War

With Avengers: Endgame just a few months away from release, you can imagine that there’s a whole load of merchandise just waiting to be green-lit, and among those tie-in products is apparently a new line of Pop! Vinyl figures, with some artwork for the designs recently making its way online.

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Obviously, assuming this leak is genuine, these quirky figures can only teach us so much about how the cast will look in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War sequel (presumably Earth’s Mightiest Heroes won’t be spending this next film with oversized heads and big black circles for eyes), but we can perhaps get a broad understanding of their props and costumes from the images. As per previous leaks, for instance, Thanos is back in his armor and equipped with a new sword-like weapon. Thor, meanwhile, is still holding onto his recently acquired Stormbreaker axe and sporting a new haircut, whereas Captain Marvel will apparently be wearing the classic red and blue version of her costume.

If this is all legit, then it’s a shame that most of these designs aren’t in color, otherwise we might have been able to get a little more clarification on who’ll be wearing those white ‘Quantum Realm suits’ that keep showing up in leaks.

Regardless, given how much tie-in merchandise a film as huge as Avengers: Endgame is sure to get, you can expect to see plenty more leaks like this in the coming months, though the big reveal that fans are really pinning their hopes on for further info is the next trailer, which may still be another month or two from dropping. Regardless, you can expect Marvel Studios to save its biggest reveals for the movie itself, which is set to hits theaters on April 26th, 2019.