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Legendary Pictures Releases First Godzilla Poster And Teaser Trailer

We've known since January of 2011 that Monster director Gareth Edwards was tapped to helm another reboot of the classic Japanese monster movie Godzilla, but updates since then have been non-existent.

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We’ve known since January of 2011 that Monster director Gareth Edwards was tapped to helm another reboot of the classic Japanese monster movie Godzilla, but updates since then have been non-existent.

Today though, inside Hall H at San Diego’s Comic Con, Edwards made a surprise appearance to promote Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla by unveiling its first poster (check it out below) along with an entirely unexpected short teaser trailer.

The Playlist‘s Jeff Otto reported all the excitement, being one of the lucky few to get a sneak peek at Edward’s glorious gift:

The clip showed a devastated city, over the famous speech by atomic pioneer Edward Teller, with a fallen giant monster at its center. Then dust and rubble are kicked off, and the silhouette of Godzilla himself stands and screams, in his trademark roar.

This is why you go to Comic Con folks. Legendary Pictures hasn’t even announced production commencing on Godzilla or any casting choices being cemented, yet here comes Gareth Edwards to present the fan favorite treat of the day. Kudos to Mr. Edwards for keeping such a monument bombshell secret as well.

As for Edward’s take on Godzilla, the director described his vision as “grounded and realistic” adding:

The idea is to see if this really happened, what would it be like…

If anyone could pull off such a feat, look no further than Gareth Edwards. Monsters was created using that exact haunting realism which placed you in Edward’s fantastical world, creating aliens on a massive scale, comparable to Godzilla himself.

As for the poster, not much is offered except some polished text and a Japanese character in the background.  It’s still nice to see marketing start to pick up concerning one of cinema’s most famous franchises though, meaning production should be getting ready to kick it into full gear.

So what do you guys think, can Gareth Edwards return Godzilla to destructive glory?  Or should production just cast Matthew Broderick again and call it a day.