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Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jim Jones Movie Causes Hilarious Case Of Mistaken Identity On Twitter

Leonardo DiCaprio's Jim Jones biopic has caused a case of mistaken identity on Twitter, and some of the memes are glorious.

leonardo dicaprio blood diamond

The news broke last night that Leonardo DiCaprio was in talks to star and produce in a biopic of Jim Jones, the infamous cult leader who caused the deaths of over 900 of his followers when they drank Flavor Aid laced with Cyanide at the compound custom-built for them in Guyana back in 1978.

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It’s one of the most horrifying tragedies to ever happen, and yet Twitter was still quick to react the only way it knows how; with memes. There was a case of mistaken identity sweeping across social media in the aftermath, with many users hilariously operating under the assumption the actor was set to play the rapper of the same name.

As you can see below, the casting news was trending in no time at all, and some of the reactions are admittedly priceless, despite the horror of the real-life figure he’s actually set to portray in the film.

jim jones

You can always rely on Twitter to come through in situations like these, and while it’s a safe bet to say that the Academy Award for Best Actor already has DiCaprio’s name on it, part of us would love to imagine what the reactions would be if it really was the other Jim Jones.