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Lily Collins’ Snow White Film Will Be Called Mirror Mirror

Relativity's adaptation of Snow White will officially be titled Mirror Mirror, starring Lily Collins as Snow White, alongside co-stars Armie Hammer, Julia Roberts, Nathan Lane, and Sean Bean.

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Relativity’s adaptation of Snow White will officially be titled Mirror Mirror, an obvious allusion to Snow White’s famous mirror-related poem. The film features Lily Collins as Snow White, alongside co-stars Armie Hammer, Julia Roberts, Nathan Lane, and Sean Bean.

The film is being described as an action comedy, which seems to be in stark opposition of Universal’s similar film, Snow White and the Huntsman, starring Kristen Stewart, which seems to be more of a serious epic. Mirror Mirror also appears more whimsical and reminiscent of the classic fairytale.

Mirror Mirror also has a release date of March 16, putting it well ahead of Snow White and the Huntsman, which doesn’t hit theaters until early this summer, June 1 to be exact.

Personally – I’m more excited for Mirror Mirror, because it has Armie Hammer, who played the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network. But as long as neither of these films end up like the abysmal Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland film, I’ll be satisfied.

Which team are you on: Relativity’s Mirror Mirror or Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman?