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Loki Theory Explains Why The TVA Didn’t Go After The Avengers In Endgame

Suspension of disbelief is always necessary whenever time travel is involved in a work of fiction. Impossible as it is (as far as anyone knows) scientists, writers and filmmakers have all attempted to put forward their own theories for how the paradoxical act could work and so far, Loki appears to be going all-in on the storytelling device. It's worth noting, of course, that the highly anticipated series is currently only two episodes in, though the show's debut episode has already caused fans to walk away with more questions than answers.

Suspension of disbelief is always necessary whenever time travel is involved in a work of fiction.

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Impossible as it is (as far as anyone knows) scientists, writers and filmmakers have all attempted to put forward their own theories for how the paradoxical act could work and so far, Loki appears to be going all-in on the storytelling device. It’s worth noting that the highly anticipated series is currently only two episodes in, though the show’s debut has already caused fans to walk away with more questions than answers.

One specific scene – in which the God of Mischief is forced to face his demons by Mobius – reveals that unlike his warping of the timeline by using the Tesseract to avoid capture, the Avengers’ time heist as seen in Endgame is part of the Sacred Timeline, meaning its members weren’t subject to being labeled Variants. A convenient scapegoat, then, but one that doesn’t explain away everything.

Rather than return to his timeline after returning the Infinity Stones to their rightful place, Captain America opts to bend the rules and stay in the 1950s in order to live out his remaining years with Peggy Carter. This would almost certainly be a violation of the TVA’s strict policy on messing with the laws of the universe, though Steve Rogers is never made to face the repercussions of his actions. Or is he? A new theory puts forward the idea that an unidentified woman being apprehended by the organization early in episode 1 might actually be Agent Carter which, if true, may mean that Rogers was also taken in for questioning.

All speculation, of course, but this is definitely one loophole that Marvel doesn’t want hanging over its head as it moves to expand into a potential multiverse. And Loki fans can tune in to see how deep the rabbit hole goes every Wednesday on Disney Plus.