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Quentin Tarantino Was Crying After Watching The Suspiria Remake

According to director Luca Guadagnino, Quentin Tarantino was floored by the Suspiria remake, and left the theaters in tears.

Say what you will about Quentin Tarantino, but the man knows his movies.

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Currently presiding over a who’s who of A-list talent for his 1960s drama, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, QT recently caught an early screening of Suspiria, the hotly-anticipated horror remake coming by way of Luca Guadagnino. Spoilers: he loved it.

It’s due to hit theaters in November, and based on Tarantino’s emotional reaction, we’re in for quite the treat. Per IndieWire, Guadagnino revealed that the esteemed filmmaker was completely floored by Suspiria – so much so that he was reduced to tears. And if that isn’t a ringing endorsement, we don’t know what is…

I showed it to Quentin Tarantino. We’ve been friends since our jury duty at the Venice Film Festival. I was nervous but eager to hear his advice. We saw it at his place and his reaction warmed me. He was enthusiastic about it; in the end he was crying and hugged me. Because it’s a horror movie but also a melodrama, my goal was to make you look at the horror without being able to take [your eyes off the screen] because you’re captivated by the characters. Amazon is very happy.

For a film that’s been rated R for “graphic nudity and ritualistic violence,” it should come as no surprise that Suspiria has shock value in spades – Dario Argento’s original thriller from 1977 is still a hard watch even to this day. But the fact that it’s impressed Quentin Tarantino leaves us feeling quietly confident that Guadagnino and his team have delivered the goods. And then some.

Starring Dakota Johnson as Susie Bannion, the ensemble cast for this one also features Chloe Grace-Moretz, Tilda Swinton, Mia Goth, Sylvie Testud, Angela Winkler, Małgosia Bela and Lutz Ebersdorf.

Mark your diaries, folks; the long-awaited remake of Suspiria has been earmarked for release on November 2nd.