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Maguire And Garfield Cross Into The MCU With Awesome Spider-Man 3 Fan Art

All the signs are pointing to Spidey swinging into the multiverse of madness in Spider-Man 3 as the past few weeks have brought two new casting announcements that tease some major crossovers with alternate universes. Benedict Cumberbatch has joined the pic as Doctor Strange, ahead of his reality-bending sequel, plus Jamie Foxx is returning as Electro, a role he last played in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. 

The Amazing Spider-Man

All the signs are pointing to Spidey swinging into the multiverse of madness in Spider-Man 3 as the past few weeks have brought two new casting announcements that tease some major crossovers with alternate universes. Benedict Cumberbatch has joined the pic as Doctor Strange, ahead of his reality-bending sequel, plus Jamie Foxx is returning as Electro, a role he last played in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. 

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What every fan is wondering, then, is whether Spider-Man 3 is secretly a live-action Spider-Verse event. For instance, what if the next announcements we hear about involve Tobey Maguire and/or Andrew Garfield returning to suit up alongside Tom Holland as their own versions of the wall-crawler? For now, we’ll just have to keep guessing, but fan artists are certainly having a lot of fun with the possibility.

Case in point: BossLogic has created this incredible piece which imagines an Avengers: Endgame-like moment where Maguire and Garfield’s Spideys swing out of Strange’s interdimensional wormholes. In the center of the image, we see Maguire’s hand emerging, while in the background behind him, Garfield’s character is also appearing on the scene. And in the foreground, we can glimpse Holland’s boot. “Strange things are happening,” BL captioned his image.

It’s hard to say if this triple web-head team-up will happen in Spider-Man 3, as no plot details have been officially revealed as yet. However, at the very least, it seems highly likely that it’s on the horizon in the near future. The animated Into the Spider-Verse movie was such an enormous success that Sony will no doubt be itching to expand it into live-action. And Marvel are just starting to explore other worlds with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness themselves.

Could we see a Maguire/Garfield/Holland crime-fighting partnership as soon as next December, though, when Spider-Man 3 is currently scheduled to hit theaters? What do you think? Join the conversation in the comments section below.