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Mark Wahlberg To Possibly Replace Bradley Cooper In The Crow

Back in April we reported about Bradley Cooper possibly taking on the lead role in Relativity Media's The Crow remake, with director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later) at the helm. However, recently we posted that Cooper is planning to re-team with Limitless co-star, Robert De Niro, for the upcoming David O. Russell film, The Silver Linings Playbook. This would make his schedule a little tight, thus causing him to drop out of The Crow. First Showing is reporting that with Cooper out, Mark Wahlberg might be in.

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Back in April we reported about Bradley Cooper possibly taking on the lead role in Relativity Media’s The Crow remake, with director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later) at the helm. However, recently we posted that Cooper is planning to re-team with Limitless co-star, Robert De Niro, for the upcoming David O. Russell film, The Silver Linings Playbook. This would make his schedule a little tight, thus causing him to drop out of The Crow. First Showing is reporting that with Cooper out, Mark Wahlberg might be in.

What makes this piece of news kind of interesting and confusing is that originally, Wahlberg declined being in The Crow remake. He also was set to star in The Silver Linings Playbook, after he and O. Russell left the Uncharted film.

Cooper had to leave The Crow due to his busy schedule. He is working with Alex Proyas on Paradise Lost, plus Russell on The Silver Linings Playbook. That being said, it doesn’t look like Wahlberg has much free time either, since he is working on 2 Guns with Universal.

But wait, another actor’s name has come up for the lead role of The Crow, and that is Channing Tatum. Both Wahlberg and Tatum’s names have come into play for the available role, and right now it’s looking more like Tatum is our guy.

I personally think that Tatum would be a horrible choice for The Crow. Cooper’s original announcement kind of surprised me, but he showed his chops in Limitless and I was starting to get comfortable with the idea of him starring in the film. Then, with news of him leaving and Wahlberg jumping on, I sort of stopped caring. Sure, Wahlberg is a great actor, but he doesn’t really fit the bill if you ask me. Tatum on the other hand doesn’t belong anywhere near the production.

I really hope Wahlberg can fit The Crow into his schedule, since he dropped out from The Silver Linings Playbook. Tatum would be a horrible pick for a film that could have potential. I liked what Fresnadillo did with 28 Weeks Later, so I have complete faith in him remaking a very over-rated film.

Who do you want in The Crow? Wahlberg, Tatum or the originally cast Cooper? Or do you think they should just stop while they’re ahead and not even make the film?