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Martin Scorsese May Be Forced To Shoot Silence After Wolf Of Wall Street

As always, Martin Scorsese cannot stop working. The Wolf of Wall Street with Leonardo DiCaprio will start shooting this weekend in New York. Meanwhile, Marty has at least two more films in the dock: Sinatra and the long-delayed Silence.

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As always, Martin Scorsese cannot stop working. The Wolf of Wall Street with Leonardo DiCaprio will start shooting this weekend in New York and the director has at least two more films in the dock: Sinatra and the long-delayed Silence.

While last week it seemed that Sinatra was moving towards being Scorsese’s next feature – a new screenwriter has been attached to clean up the script – it’s highly possible that Scorsese might start filming the Jesuit priest drama Silence next.

The Film Stage reports that Cecchi Gori Pictures, the production company putting up the money for Silence, claims that there is a breach of contract involved with the film. Scorsese reportedly agreed to shoot the film next, following on from Hugo, but is off shooting The Wolf of Wall Street instead.  If the production company has their way, this means that it’s possible that Scorsese will actually be forced into shooting Silence in advance of Sinatra, or anything else.

Silence seems like a good bet for Martin Scorsese’s next film. It has been in development since the 1990s and is ripe religious fare, based on a Shusako Endo novel of the same name that has already attracted the likes of Benicio Del Toro and Daniel Day-Lewis. Personally, I couldn’t care less about a Sinatra biopic. But a Jesuit priest drama starring two fantastic actors? Yes, please.

The Wolf of Wall Street will of course be the next Scorsese film we all see. It’s expected to hit theatres sometime next year and apparently, it’s going for a hard R rating.

A source close to the production has revealed that  “there will be a lot of nudity and cocaine in the film” and that the studio has “been casting female models to play high-end prostitutes and strippers who must be okay with nudity.” Furthermore, we’re also hearing that “older men will appear nude in various same-sex situations.”

So, it looks like we’ll be in for some classic Scorsese when the film hits theatres next year. As for his next film, nothing is confirmed just yet but as always, we’ll keep you posted when we hear more.