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Marvel Cinematic Universe Mapped Out Through 2020, Says Kevin Feige

Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige has revealed the studio has a firm idea of which superheroes will occupy those three vacant 2020 release dates.

Civil War 1

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You may recall the fleeting news tidbit that emerged earlier this year revealing that Marvel Studios, in expanding its monolithic MCU in new directions, had staked out three release dates in 2020 – May 1, July 10, and November 6, 2020, to be specific.

The exact details of those superhero features remain up in the air for now, but Marvel’s head honcho Kevin Feige did touch base on the studio’s current plans for Phase 4 and beyond.


To date, Infinity War – Part 2 is the latest MCU tentpole to boast a release date of its own (May 3, 2019), and though the superhero slate is crammed full of exciting features between now and then, Feige noted that Marvel has effectively settled on which features will occupy those three aforementioned launch dates. Beyond that, though, it’s anyone’s guess.

“We always look at a horizon line that’s usually about five years off. Sometimes, even that is sort of a pipe dream, sometimes it even goes beyond that. That’s usually what we’re looking at. Right now, we know through and have announced through 2019. We have ideas and pretty firm of where we’re going in 2020. 2021, which still sounds like the crazy, far fetched future to me, but 2021 is still in flux through 2025.”

Off the back of Captain America: Civil War, which irrefutably drove a wedge between Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Doctor Strange will welcome moviegoers back to Marvel‘s cinematic universe on November 4 of this year.