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8 Hugely Underrated Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

4) The Avengers – Thor vs. Hulk

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There was a lot riding on the highly anticipated 2012 flick The Avengers. An inconceivable mash-up of all these superhero properties on the big screen being handled by comic book fanboy Joss Whedon? It all seemed too good to be true.

Yet true it was, and there were so many moments to love! Many point to the iconic pan rotation of the team as they all join together to launch a final offensive on the Chitauri threat, or the scene where Stark promises to defend the Earth to Loki, or even the forest fight between Iron Man, Thor and Captain America.

But there was one other brawl that doesn’t seem to get much praise from the community, and that was the scuffle between the Thunder God and Green Brute in the Helicarrier. Tricked by Loki into wreaking havoc on the already unstable team, Hulk gives chase to an injured Black Widow before getting stopped by Thor, who proceeds to fight him.

While many await the gladiator-style battle in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, one cannot forget just how amazing it was to see Thor club Hulk with his hammer or Hulk toss the Norse God through the metal walls.