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Avengers: Infinity War Star Mark Ruffalo Never Gets Full Scripts From Marvel

Due to his inability to keep a secret, Avengers: Infinity War star Mark Ruffalo is never trusted with full scripts from Marvel Studios.

By this point, Mark Ruffalo’s total inability to keep Marvel’s secrets is nothing short of legendary. After all, it was mostly because of his and Tom Holland’s blabbermouths that the studio decided to give the cast either only portions of the script or entirely fake scenes for Avengers: Infinity War. Despite their best efforts, though, it seems that Ruffalo just couldn’t be stopped and actually revealed the shock ending of the event movie to the press.

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We’re not kidding. Last summer at D23, the actor was doing an interview when he said: “Wait ’til you see this next one. Everybody dies!” Of course, everyone thought he was just joking at the time but between that and streaming the first 20 minutes of Thor: Ragnarok onto the internet, it’s clear that Mark Ruffalo is not to be trusted.

Marvel knows this, too, and apparently, they never give him the full script for their movies. The Russo brothers revealed this during a special exhibit sponsored by the Smithsonian Associates, where they told those in attendance that the actor isn’t allowed to get his hands on the entire script. And that’s not only for Infinity War, it’s for all Marvel films.

Of course, it’s not just Ruffalo that the studio needs to worry about, as like we said above, Tom Holland is also an issue for them, with co-director Joe Russo recently telling us that he can’t be trusted with precious, spoiler-sensitive information:

“We put a lot of effort into making sure nobody knows the true story of the film. All the actors were given fake scripts… very few people have seen the actual film itself. We can’t trust anybody – least of all Tom Holland! It’s a burden to bear for them. It’s probably easier to have read a fake script and a fake ending because they don’t have the pressure of knowing what happens in the movie and then they have to hide it.”

So, it’s clear that some of the MCU’s most beloved actors have trouble keeping things under wraps, but at least Marvel’s found a way to deal with it. After all, almost all of Avengers: Infinity War‘s biggest secrets managed to stay hidden away before release and hopefully, that’ll be the case with its currently untitled sequel as well.