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Kevin Feige Says Never Say Never About MCU TV/Movie Crossover

Via Screen Rant, Marvel's head honcho has once again addressed the possibility of Daredevil et. al joining the MCU ahead of Avengers: Infinity War.

Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones – together, they form the four pillars of Marvel’s small-screen universe, but those hoping that The Defenders (and Frank Castle!) may one day cross over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe needn’t get their hopes up.

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At least, that’s according to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, who once again addressed the possibility of a crossover while promoting the imminent launch of Infinity War. And so, when Screen Rant asked Feige straight-up about a potential movie cameo appearance for any of those four street-level heroes, the Marvel boss responded as so:

I don’t know. It really remains to be seen. So much of what they’re doing has been set. We’ve already shot Avengers 4. So much of what we’re doing is set, but I just, I never say never, but I’m not sure when that would be.

It’s by no means the first time that Kevin Feige has touched base on a possible movie/TV crossover, nor is it likely to be the last, but with so many characters already lining the roster of Avengers: Infinity War – for the record, Benedict Cumberbatch estimates that there are around 35 big-name heroes in total – adding the likes of Daredevil et. al would surely oversaturate a film that is already being championed as the biggest Marvel movie in the history of Marvel movies.

And that’s not a phrase to be taken lightly, given this is the same studio that has produced such mind-numbing hits as The Avengers and Captain America: Civil War.

For Matt Murdock and Co., meanwhile, it’s business as usual, what with new installments of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones all in active development – the latter recently landed a third season at Netflix. So perhaps it’s for the best that both franchises continue to operate on two different tracks?