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Marvel Almost Had Spider-Man For Captain America: Civil War

The recent Sony Hack has resulted in, among other things, leaked documents that suggest Marvel was trying to court the studio in hopes that they would allow Spider-Man to show up in Captain America: Civil War.


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It’s also interesting to note that the leaked documents talk of a “Spidey Summit” which will be held in January. At the event, Sony will make a decision on where to take the franchise from here. The studio has been discussing several options in regards to how they want to proceed with their next Spider-Man outing and we’ve heard everything from a full on reboot to several spinoff films. While no firm decision has been made just yet, you can expect to hear something more official in the coming months.

Finally, the documents confirm plans for the Sinister Six and Venom spinoffs and reveal that Sony is currently talking with The LEGO Movie directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord about producing an animated Spider-Man comedy. No details on what it will involve, but given that Lord and Miller are two of the most exciting filmmakers out there at the moment, it’s an interesting idea and one that we cannot wait to hear more about.

Back to the direction of the franchise though, and I must say that I find it pretty upsetting to hear that Sony couldn’t come to a deal with Marvel. I really think that the right direction for the character to head in at this point is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Integrating him into there would solve a lot of Sony’s problems and definitely give the fans what they want. It’s getting harder and harder to trust that the studio knows what to do with the property at this point and if they could just find some mutually beneficial scenario where Spider-Man could appear in the MCU, I think it would give the franchise the boost that it needs.

At the very least, it’s definitely reassuring to know that both studios were trying to make this happen at one point. If anything, it means that the two parties are interested in working out a deal and hopefully at some point in the future, they can figure things out.

Tell us, were you hoping the webslinger would show up in Captain America: Civil War? Sound off below!