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MCU fan points out the ending of ‘Eternals’ is hardly the longest-running unresolved plot point

The 'Eternals' ended with a huge change for the world, never to be discussed again. Though, it isn't the only dropped plot point in the MCU.

Image via Marvel Studios

Many movies end in a way that leaves us a little confused. Sometimes this is done deliberately a la any Christopher Nolan film ever. Sometimes it’s down to bad writing, and sometimes it’s down to bad planning. With the MCU being such a huge franchise, things can sometimes get lost in the mix and that’s what many feel happened with the ending of Eternals.

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The film is a little bit of a black sheep in the franchise. It seems to be almost set in a different universe in many ways, introducing us to a whole new cast of characters and almost entirely ignoring any existing MCU characters aside from the odd mention around a dinner table. The whole film sort of sticks out like a sore thumb, but it is the ending in particular that had many fans flummoxed.

The climax of the film was the emergence of a Celestial from the center of Earth. This would end up ripping Earth apart and killing everyone on the planet, so some of the Eternals, who have grown fond of the planet, decide to intervene and stop the emergence from happening with Sersi using her abilities to halt it. This results, however, in a giant head and hand stuck jutting out of the ocean, forever changing the landscape of the planet. Yet, despite this, we never hear of it again.

There have been many films and T.V. series since the Eternals film was released in 2021, and yet we never hear a mention of the giant head in the ocean that mysteriously appeared one day. One fan has pointed out however, that this isn’t the first time the MCU has featured an unresolved plot point.

They say there have been plenty of events that have happened within the MCU that have somehow slipped under the radar. What on earth happened to the Avengers Tower? Has someone else bought it? Will we ever see it again? Many in the comments chimed in on who they think the new owners will be, with some saying that it could make a reappearance in the Fantastic Four, owned either by the heroic group or even by the villainous Dr. Doom. Some think it could be bought up by Oscorp if an Earth-616 Norman Osborn ever makes an appearance.

It is one thing to never hear about a building that may or may not have been bought up by someone, it is another thing entirely that a huge being emerging from the ocean is never so much as discussed in any projects since Eternals, especially since the Snap, the Sokovia accords, and other major events are brought up time and time again. You never know, perhaps it gets turned into a prime holiday destination. Celestial Cruises, anyone?