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MCU fans tie themselves in knots trying to decide how Jonah Jameson fits in

Maybe it's time for a multiversal meeting of the Jamesons.


The post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Far From Home gave fans a huge surprise when J.K. Simmons made a surprise return as J. Jonah Jameson, but the reappearance of the mustachioed Daily Bugle chief also opened several cans of worms.

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He may have been bald to distinguish himself from the Sam Raimi version, but fans instantly began concocting theories that he was one of the first multiversal travelers to emerge from the next stage of Marvel Cinematic Universe storytelling, having sacrificed his toupee in an effort to blend in and settle down in a brand new reality.

It would have been neat to see him interact with Tobey Maguire during No Way Home just for old time’s sake, but Jameson’s mere existence has left MCU supporters in a pickle. Over on Reddit, fans are wondering how J.J. would react to not just Andrew Garfield’s Peter 3, or even himself from Raimi’s world, but also whether or not they’re the same person.

The comments make it clear that people are agreeing to disagree on almost every hypothetical aspect revolving around the many Jamesons, with folks unable to decide if the Raimi and Jon Watts news peddlers would instantly strike up a bromance, or absolutely hate each other’s guts.

To be fair, one suggestion we’d definitely be on board with would be to see the 2002 Jameson transported into the 616 MCU (like the post-credits scenes of Morbius, except good), if only to see how he’d react to finding out there are literally dozens upon dozens of superheroes in the world, and a huge number of them reside in his beloved New York City.