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The Bling Ring Gets New Media & First Review


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The Bling Ring is receiving its fair share of media buzz, particularly thanks to new press materials and the first professional review of the film. With luck, this may help continue the trend of solid, thought-provoking “teen drama” movies crowding the theatres this year.

Brought to us by Sofia Coppola, of Lost in Translation fame, and starring Emma Watson, this latest flick takes us behind a true story of young adults experiencing celebrity envy and being of the “want it all” mindset.  Their quest for fame at any cost sets them on a crime wave that inevitably leads to crossing paths with the law and – as chance would have it – the opportunity to experience the other side of fame.

Below are some of the images released to the press. In addition, one lucky critic at Film Comment managed to post an entire review for a short time before it was mysteriously pulled from the site. Fortunately, the Internet managed to obtain such insightful snippets as this:

Like ‘Somewhere,’ The Bling Ring sneaks up on you. ‘Somewhere’ during the first visit to Paris Hilton’s house (if it isn’t the real thing, it could just as well be), you might find yourself, as I did, alternately charmed, mesmerized, and horrified by the lives of the characters and the homes they enter.

If the critic is to be believed, then The Bling Ring is set to be Coppola’s next great work. Then again, her reputation precedes her and this isn’t exactly new territory, so closer examination might be warranted.

At any rate, The Bling Ring comes to theatres on June 14th. It will be making its premiere at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.