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MonsterVerse fans already have kaiju-sized hopes for ‘Godzilla and Kong’ movie

Some want it to be like Shane Black work.

Godzilla vs Kong
Photo via Warner Bros. Pictures

Right now, the MonsterVerse is the only non-superhero cinematic world going strong. It has given people Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Kong, and, while more projects are planned, fans are now sharing just what they want to see from the series with such gruff giants.

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On Twitter, one user says, if the next film in the series does feature Godzilla and King Kong working together, they should go bonkers with it and shoot it in the vein of a Shane Black project. Specifically, some of his cop movies of old would work well.

For another, the movie – which may be called Godzilla and Kong – reminds them of an earlier product from the bygone era of Nickelodeon. Essentially, if this is the title, the acronym can reference a popular children’s toy the station has peddled a lot of.


Then, later on, someone else jokes if the production centers around the power of friendship, a certain song about connection could be used. It would then be set around the pair causing chaos, carnage and destruction and, it kind of makes sense to a certain extent.

The unnamed next film in the franchise comes out next year. It will again be directed by Adam Wingard and will pit the pair against a new and hidden threat. As well, it will delve into the origins of the Titans, mysteries of Skull Island, and more. Two television series are also in development. One is at Netflix, and the other is at Apple TV Plus with Kurt and Wyatt Russell.