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The Top 10 Movie Moments Of 2012 So Far

Here we are, at the halfway mark of 2012. Six months have gone and we still have six months ahead of us. So, where does that leave us in terms of movies? Well, admittedly, the first half of the year is always pretty slow. We've seen quite a variety of films over the past six months and while not all of them brought something exciting and unique to the table, a fair amount of them definitely had their moments, moments that made the price of admission worth it and moments that make you happy to be a moviegoer.

The Ship Splits In Half In Titanic 3D

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Watching that ship split in half was breathtaking the first time around, but in 3D? Well, that’s a whole different story.

Honestly, Titanic is just as effective as it was back in 1997. The sinking of the behemoth that is the Titanic is a harrowing scene and it’s brought to life in a whole new way with the use of that third dimension, which Mr. Cameron so effortlessly inserts into his 90’s classic.

Though many are probably overly-familiar with the above mentioned scene, it had been some time since I’d seen it. Watching it in the theatre, and in 3D, all these years later, was really something special. To know that Cameron crafted such a large scale, complex and effects laden sequence almost 15 years ago, really puts things into perspective. For a film scene from 1997, this is some really impressive stuff. But then again, it’s James Cameron; did you expect anything less than impressive?

Whether you watched it 15 years ago or mere months ago in theatres, the sinking of the Titanic, especially the moment where it splits in half and the events that immediately precede, make for some incredibly entertaining, powerful and epic movie moments.

White Apes Meet Their Match In John Carter

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be the first one to admit that John Carter had its fair share of problems, many problems actually. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t a few triumphant moments sprinkled throughout. One scene in particular that I enjoyed quite a bit, especially in 3D, was the scene of John vs. the white apes.

Both the effects and use of 3D upped the ante in this scene and provided for a very thrilling couple of minutes. Though most of the film is marred with severe issues, it does have several entertaining moments and this is definitely one of them.

Seeing our protagonist go up against these mammoth creatures, and then swiftly deal out death to them, is another great example of what it means to watch a true, big budget, Hollywood blockbuster.

Miss out on the white apes in theatres? Check out the clip below.

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