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The Top 10 Movie Moments Of 2012 So Far

Here we are, at the halfway mark of 2012. Six months have gone and we still have six months ahead of us. So, where does that leave us in terms of movies? Well, admittedly, the first half of the year is always pretty slow. We've seen quite a variety of films over the past six months and while not all of them brought something exciting and unique to the table, a fair amount of them definitely had their moments, moments that made the price of admission worth it and moments that make you happy to be a moviegoer.

Man vs. Wolf In The Grey

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There’s something incredibly enticing about watching Liam Neeson kick ass. I’m not sure what it is, but the actor, even in his old age, seems to be very adept at it. So adept in fact that this year, he decided to take on one of mother nature’s most ferocious creatures: wolves. While watching Neeson take on cardboard cut-out baddies is a ton of fun, watching the man take on a wolf is something else entirely.

Though the scene that I’m referring to, the one near the end, fades to black before we see the outcome, it’s deeply chilling and immensely satisfying. It’s almost poetic in the way director Joe Carnahan frames it. The chills running through our spine as the wolf pack surrounds Neeson feel just as cold as the snow on the actor’s forehead. As he prepares to say goodbye to the world, and he accepts his fate, the haunting piano chords playing in the background envelop us in the scene, causing total immersion.

Man stares at the wolf, wolf stares back at man. “Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I’ll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day,” whispers Neeson, before charging head on into battle.

Now if that’s not a great movie moment, I don’t know what is. Don’t believe me?

Check out the scene for yourself below.

Now it’s your turn. Sound off in the comments below and let us know what your favorite movie moments from 2012 are!