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The 15 Best Movie Quotes Of 2012

This year has had its fair share of great blockbusters, comedies, Oscar-baiters and what feels like a ton of politically-minded efforts dealing with a whole host of controversial subjects, including slavery, terrorism and economic meltdown. Some of these pictures will be remembered as some of the best films of the year - a result of their fine direction and expertly-written screenplays. But sometimes it's a single quote that sticks with you long after the movie's over - many of which can be used to define a film in a single line of dialogue. Be they romantic, downright hilarious, a sign of the times, or just plain cool, here's our pick - in no particular order - for the 15 best movie quotes of 2012.

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4.  “I’ve been surrounded my entire life by black faces. I only have one question: Why don’t they just rise up and kill the whites?” – Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) – Django Unchained (Dir. Quentin Tarantino) (Screenwriter: Quentin Tarantino)

Quentin Tarantino’s candid approach to making a spaghetti western set in America’s slavery times is perfectly outlined here by Calvin Candie, who exemplifies the no-holds-barred attitude of the movie’s writer/director – and soon enough, Django himself.

5. “We’re in love. We just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?” – Suzy (Kara Hayward) – Moonrise Kingdom (Dir. Wes Anderson) (Screenwriter: Wes Anderson/Roman Coppola)

12-year-old Suzy breaks down her feelings with heart-aching simplicity, making a case for young love that no adult could easily rebute.

6. “Slavery, sir? It’s done.” – Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis) – Lincoln (Dir. Steven Spielberg) (Screenwriter: Tony Kushner)

President Lincoln’s agenda is nicely compressed into a single quote, one which highlights his respectful nature and relentless gusto – and an unrivalled dedication to see the cause through to the very end.