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The 15 Best Movie Quotes Of 2012

This year has had its fair share of great blockbusters, comedies, Oscar-baiters and what feels like a ton of politically-minded efforts dealing with a whole host of controversial subjects, including slavery, terrorism and economic meltdown. Some of these pictures will be remembered as some of the best films of the year - a result of their fine direction and expertly-written screenplays. But sometimes it's a single quote that sticks with you long after the movie's over - many of which can be used to define a film in a single line of dialogue. Be they romantic, downright hilarious, a sign of the times, or just plain cool, here's our pick - in no particular order - for the 15 best movie quotes of 2012.

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7. “Argo fuck yourself.” – Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin) – Argo (Dir. Ben Affleck) (Screenwriter: Chris Terrio)

Catchy and profane, this jazzy line finds itself used by a whole host of characters needing to remind themselves just how dangerous a situation they’ve gotten themselves into – not to mention the implausibility of the entire operation. It just rolls of the tongue, doesn’t it?

8. “I’m the motherfucker that found this place” – Maya (Jessica Chastain) – Zero Dark Thirty (Dir. Kathryn Bigelow) (Screenwriter: Mark Boal)

Jessica Chastain unleashes full-on bad-assery in one of the coolest lines of the year, asserting her role with the best kind of succinctness, and making James Gandolfini look meek by comparison.

9. “Why are they so excited about a five?” – Dance Competition Announcer (Rick Foster) – Silver Linings Playbook (Dir. David O. Russell) (Screenwriter: David O. Russell)

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence’s explosive joy at receiving a measly score of five in a professional dance contest shocks the announcer into this humorous quip – though we know that a lot more has been at stake.