Okay, so I know spending two hours in a box with Ryan Reynolds seems like an awful idea, but as far as movies for claustrophobes go, this one is way up there. You see, unlike most of the other movies on the list (except maybe Brake), Buried gives you no reprise. It starts out in a coffin, and all takes place within a coffin. You never come up for air.
Reynolds plays Paul Conroy, an American truck driver working in Iraq who wakes up to find himself buried alive inside a coffin. All he has with him are a cell phone, a pen, a glowstick, a knife, a flask and a flashlight. He has no idea why he is buried alive, who did it, or where he is. Eventually, he finds out that some terrorists want some money and blah blah blah.
The plot isn’t amazing, but the movie is really suspenseful and for me to tell you anymore would ruin it. I can tell you this, though. Buried makes it feel like the air in your own house is getting thinner and thinner. You literally begin to feel like you are trapped in there with Paul.
Honestly, this is a damn-near impossible film for claustrophobes to get through. It is that effective.