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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Mainstream Horror Nightmares – And Not The Good Kind

After struggling through I, Frankenstein not too long ago, this week's article topic was an easy one for me to come up with - mainstream horror moments that make Nato and Remy very sad pandas. Seriously - did any of you see I, Frankenstein? Sure, there were some decently entertaining fight sequences between gargoyles, demons, and a studly Frankenstein, but at the expense of character development, storyboarding, and proper atmosphere design that couldn't even establish a hustling and bustling city. What kind of city has zero residents besides living gargoyles and shapeshifting demons?

Nato – Paranormal Activity 4

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Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones almost made me forget about Paranormal Activity 4 – keyword, almost. If you’ve been around these parts before, you’d know how I firmly believe the Paranormal Activity franchise has been nosediving since the original (yes, Paranormal Activity 3 isn’t the savior some make it out to be), but Paranormal Activity 4 didn’t just drop off in quality, it fell off a cliff Wile E. Coyote style – impact explosion and all.

While each new franchise entry chose a unique filming method (surveillance cameras and rotating fan cameras), Paranormal Activity 4‘s innovation was XBOX Kinect – in night vision. It’s intriguing at first, as all the motion sensors across the room can be seen like a giant disco ball, but all this does is let outlines of “Toby” be visible – even though we already know he’s there. There was nothing fresh, and Hunter’s storyline bored me to tears. But still, nothing crushed me more than Katie’s inevitable ending.

Is it just me, or is the whole witch coven thing bothering anyone else? I was terrified of Paranormal Activity because I had absolutely no idea what was happening. An invisible demon terrorizing a couple? Awful, could happen to anyone! Katie shapeshifting into a monster, preparing a whole army of witches? Yeah, you lost me.

Thankfully I didn’t waste my money on this one in theaters, but I can’t tell you how hard I had to focus on Paranormal Activity 4 to prevent Netflix napping from happening. Although, maybe that wouldn’t have been such a bad alternative after all.