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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: “Serious” Directors Who Should Take A Stab At Horror

If you haven't noticed yet, Remy and I are dreamers. It's not that we can't be excited about what we already have, but when the creative juices start flowing, it's much easier to write about what might await. We've mixed and matched our favorite horror films, talked about what directors we'd love to see working on an anthology film, we've predicted outcomes - it's all about having fun. Lucky for us, the horror genre gives plenty of opportunities for such fun, and it also makes us wonder - why do some directors stay completely away from horror? Because it tends to become vile, disgusting, exploitative, and sometimes repulsive? Probably - but what if some virgin directors leapt into the blood-filled deep end of the horror pool?

Nato – David Wain

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Why David Wain? Simple – comedians are typically much more sinister, cynical, and in touch with darker emotions than normal people are. Ever tried talking to a comedian when they were off stage, or know any comedians personally? Sure, I’m probably just generalizing based off of a few secluded incidents, but for the sake of an article, let’s run with it. Honestly, what could be more fun than a horror film that stars every performer from The State?

When David Wain directs a movie, you don’t just get David Wain. You get Michael Ian Black. You get Michael Showalter. You get Paul Rudd. You get Ken Marino. You get – well, you get a who’s who of hot comedians worth their weight in gold. We’ve all been tickled delightfully pink by these names at one time or another, but how about letting David Wain cast them all in some type of horror comedy? Maybe something apocalyptic? I’m not talking This Is The End style, but something unique and dangerous. Ken Marino recently starred in Bad Milo!, Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant recently did Hell Baby, Paul Rudd was in a shitty Halloween sequel – horror happens.

Horror doesn’t have to be ghost stories and straight scares – horror can be fun to. When I think of fun, I think of We Hot American Summer. What if the entire cast of Wet Hot reunited at camp only to stumble upon a zombie apocalypse?! If anyone can pull that off, it’s David Wain.