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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Slashers & Serial Killers!

Well, well, well, look who decided to come back after all? I guess we couldn't have done that poorly with our zombie picks if you're joinging us again this week, as Nato and Remy are here to give you some more Halloween recommendations to stream on Netflix Watch Instantly. We took at a look at the available sub-genres, and this week we decided to rummage through the "Slashers and Serial Killers" grouping. This is where all the most evil horror icons can be found typically, so we thought it'd be a good bet.

Remy – The Snowtown Murders

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Ah, the movie on the list most likely to make you sick.

The Snowtown Murders is the gripping, true story of a group of murders that happened in the Snowtown area of Australia. Again, this is NOT your typical slasher movie, and I am only including it on this list because that is how Netflix has it categorized. I will tell you this though, The Snowtown Murders is one of the most brutal, unforgiving movies I have ever seen. It deals with some many issues, from rape to homosexuality, and it is just so grimy and realistic that you walk away from the movie needing a shower. Oh, and it’s 100% a true story, so every single sick thing you see on screen actually happened. I studied the case quite closely and the film is SO accurate that it almost didn’t get released in Australia.

Basically, a young kid who has been picked on and abused his whole life looks to his Mother’s new boyfriend, who uses him and grooms him, slowly turning him into a psycho serial killer like himself. The worst part is, they think they are killing in the name of good. They think they are killing the “sickos and perverts,” completely unaware that they ARE the sickos and perverts.

Yes, The Snowtown Murders will mess you up. Be careful. This movie will make getting killed by Michael Myers look like a fucking holiday in Spain.

Nato – The Cabin In The Woods


Ok, if you’re a modern day horror fan and somehow missed this movie, go in the corner and put your dunce cap on. The Cabin In The Woods is one of the best horror movies to come out in recent years, and I’ll argue with the haters until I die on this one.

Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard reinvented the slasher genre with their crazy, meta horror movie, which was unjustly shelved for years. Just like how Wes Craven established a list of horror rules in Scream, The Cabin In The Woods plays with typical horror norms and completely rocks the boat, producing a movie with multiple layers and phenomenal storytelling. Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford alone made The Cabin In The Woods worth my while, toying with these poor teens in some weird “game,” but from there, what the hell!

The Cabin In The Woods presents a game-changing twist of twists, leaving horror fans like me giddy with joy. Even though I want to say you’ve had your chance, I’ll be nice and not spoil much, but as this insanely ingenious story plays out, we hit a moment where Whedon and Goddard have the chance to go for broke – and they fucking do. Holy shit do they deliver the horror goods.

Personally, while I was watching, I just kept saying the following: “You know what would be awesome?” Before I could even finish that sentence, The Cabin In The Woods read my mind, and I was watching my future thoughts on screen. Horror-gasm – everywhere.

Starring Chris Hemsworth and a crew of other eye-pleasing young actors, this is one of the easier horror movies for mainstream audiences to swallow, which is surprising because it’s so ambitious. Enough talk though, – go watch this movie, say five Hail Marys, and atone for your sins.