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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Slashers & Serial Killers!

Well, well, well, look who decided to come back after all? I guess we couldn't have done that poorly with our zombie picks if you're joinging us again this week, as Nato and Remy are here to give you some more Halloween recommendations to stream on Netflix Watch Instantly. We took at a look at the available sub-genres, and this week we decided to rummage through the "Slashers and Serial Killers" grouping. This is where all the most evil horror icons can be found typically, so we thought it'd be a good bet.

Remy – The Collection

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I did the opposite of what I usually do this week and decided to put the least disturbing entry at the end. Normally, I leave you guys and gals with something as offensive and unsettling as I can, but The Snowtown Murders is so disturbing that I decided to end with the least realistic, and most “slasher”esque of all my choices, The Collection.

Though I like The Collector FAR MORE than The Collection, TheĀ Collection reminds you that horror movies can be big, gory and stupid, but still fun. Unlike the other two entries on the list, The Collection does not try to be realistic. The Collection does not try to rationalize why the killer is killing people. The Collection is like an 80’s horror movie, made in the 2000s.

The Collection is about the guy from The Collector who survived and is helping detectives try to find this madman. It is like Saw meets Silence of the Lambs. It’s a bit too big, and a bit too elaborate at some points for its own good (come on, this guy can kill a whole club filled with people, yet no one can find him?) but at its heart, it is about a masked killer who cannot be stopped by ordinary means.

That, my friends, is exactly what makes slashers so fun. No reasoning. No sense. Just death. Sweet glorious death. Delivered by a masked sicko.

Which reminds me, where is my mask….

Nato – Chop


Sure, for my last pick I could go with personal favorites like Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, Scream, The ABCs Of Death, or other available streaming films, but searching deeper into the catalogue revealed a film I caught a little while back, but completely loved.

Chop, a crazy hybrid between “torture porn” horror and revenge terror, was directed by the writer of Dead Girl – Trent Haaga. Both jokey and darkly psychotic, Haaga’s background becomes apparent very early on in Chop, as our director grew up working on Troma films. I can only imagine the lessons he learned working on movies like Terror Firmer and Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV.

In all honestly, Chop shouldn’t work as well as it does. The performances from the seedy victim Lance (Will Keenan) and the man tormenting him (Timothy Muskatell) are over-the-top, schlocky, and cheesy, but the inherit ridiculousness of Adam Minarovich’s screenplay houses such characters perfectly.

I mean, in a movie where a man punishes another man for past actions by removing limbs doesn’t really mirror reality, and Chop embraces more than dark humor – Hagaa embraces comedy as a whole. Lance is a douchebag, he’s lived a less than approvable life, and in walks this man who torments and brutalizes Lance, seemingly at random. Shit gets crazy, people get drugged, strippers get degraded, people get hurt – Chop is a sick, mentally twisted movie.

Yeah, of course I have to recommend it.

Alright kiddies, this was our second set of recommendations for this Halloween. Are there any slasher/serial killer movies on Netflix Watch Instantly not on this list that you love?

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s article where we prepare for Halloween by recommending 6 zombies movies you can stream on Netflix Watch Instantly right now!