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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Foreign Frightfests!

We're one week closer to Halloween, and that also means you've got one more week's worth of Netflix Watch Instantly recommendations coming your way to help celebrate the Halloween season. We've already brought you three different sub-genres worth of picks, totalling eighteen movies, but we've still got six more coming your way - and we did a little traveling this time.

Remy – Troll Hunter

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I know I have talked about this Norwegian gem before, but there is a very distinct reason I am bringing it up again in this column. Have you heard the news? Dog Soldiers and The Descent director, Neil Marshall, is directing the remake. Wait, but Troll Hunter JUST fucking came out, and SO it doesn’t need a remake! I know, I know, I concur with you. There is nothing about the film that is not perfect. Hell, even the super-cheap special effects work incredibly well in the “found footage” formula. BUT, this is Neil Marshall we are talking about. The dude directed the BEST episode of Game of Thrones (that fucking green fire wins life) and also directed one of the best horror films EVER MADE. Yes, The Descent is one of the BEST HORROR FILMS EVER MADE, no question in my mind.

So while it may not seem like we NEED a Troll Hunter remake, if the remake finally helps this movie find the audience it deserves, then I say kudos to Neil. Plus, the guy has a great eye for tension and a flair for the cinematic, so to assume he will fuck it up is to not give Neil Marshall the credit he deserves.

Just what different elements he will bring to his remake no one knows just yet, but keep your eyes peeled for that film sometime in the near future.

For now, watch the (badass) original. You will never look at giant rock formations the same way.