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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Foreign Frightfests!

We're one week closer to Halloween, and that also means you've got one more week's worth of Netflix Watch Instantly recommendations coming your way to help celebrate the Halloween season. We've already brought you three different sub-genres worth of picks, totalling eighteen movies, but we've still got six more coming your way - and we did a little traveling this time.

Nato – Let The Right One In

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Coming into the horror game much later than some of my friends, Let The Right One In was the first horror movie that actually left me speechless – not because of terror, but because of beauty. Inspiring an American version starring Chloë Grace Moretz, Tomas Alfredson’s Swedish vampire flick tells a heartwarming story about a bullied boy who befriends a vampiric girl, finding comfort and safety despite the girl’s strange lifestyle.

Ok, and when I say heartwarming, please note some scenes are pretty brutal, and the horror influence is definitely noticeable, but John Ajvide Lindqvist’s screenplay catches every bit of emotionally staggering material, be it our poor little main character’s outsider personality, or our vampire girl struggling to find some normalcy. These two kids share certain similarities, even if one’s problems may be more supernatural, but their friendship is what speaks volumes.

Kåre Hedebrant (Oskar) and Lina Leandersson (Eli) stun as our leading actors though, and are responsible for so much of the praise surrounding Let The Right One In. Without their prolific acting, especially from Leandersson, the dramatic depth and true passion would have been lost, and Alfredson’s film might have deflated. Have no fear though, because Let The Right One In is one of the most touching horror films of the decade, showing up its American remake.