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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Supernatural Spookers

Alright ghoulies, we're halfway there! With twelve movies already recommended for your Halloween viewing this season, it's time we continue our quest to fill our heads with enough nightmare fodder to haunt our dreams for the next five decades or so. We've already tackled the "Zombie" subgenre and "Slasher" subgenre, so now it's time to get all spooky on ya. This week we're going with Netflix's "Supernatural" subgenre, which we learned is a broad generalization after scouring the selections. It's not all ghosts and paranormal haunting stories, but instead a wide variety of films involving dark powers - whatever, we're not complaining!

Remy – Lovely Molly

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Here we are again, at Lovely Molly, the horror film I will continue to talk about until all the world has seen it and understands just how fucking great it is. Seriously, why the shit doesn’t Lovely Molly get more love? Because it sounds like it would be the name of a Miley Cyrus album? That is hardly a reasonable excuse.

Lovely Molly is a movie about addiction.

Lovely Molly is a movie about coping with a fucked up past.

Lovely Molly is a movie about personal demons, and how we can sometimes manifest those into real, physical entities.

Hell, maybe Lovely Molly is about a woman who is haunted by her dead Dad who molested the shit out of her.

That’s what is so great about Lovely Molly. The ambiguity of it. Is this Molly girl really crazy from her drug relapse, or are her demons REALLY demons? The rape scene on the closed circuit security camera will not only mess you up, but it will twist your notion of what supernatural horror really is.

On a final note, some people HATE the ending to this film, and I was one of them initially. But the longer I sit with it in my mind, the more unforgettable and wholly unsettling I find it.

Seriously, enough with this reading shit. Go watch this movie, right now.

Nato – Re-Animator


Everyone needs more H.P. Lovecraft in their lives, and Re-Animator is the granddaddy of all Lovecraftian horror. Jeffrey Combs plays Herbert West, a man obsessed with a serum that can bring the dead back to life. Of course, things get wildly out of control, there’s an evil headless corpse, and once West finds himself inside a morgue of re-animated baddies, we’re treated to iconic horror imagery and one of the sickest oral sex fantasies ever included in a horror film.

But what else do you expect from Lovecraftian horror? Gross outs, insanity, sci-fi inspiration, and a bloody good sense of humor – all things that director Stuart Gordon understood. You’ll be incessantly cackling at devilish scenes of “zombification,” as our deadies jump about frantically, and Combs’ performance as Herbert West is nothing short of horror gold. He captures a very specific psychosis like a mad scientist would sport, and provides a now iconic role because of it.

Re-Animator is hand’s down one of my favorite horror movies of all time, and always will be. Titles continually shift around, but Re-Animator hasn’t budged from my top four. Many have tried, but only three have conquered. Isn’t it time for you to find out why?

Alright kiddies, this is our third set of recommendations for this Halloween. Are there any supernatural movies on Netflix Watch Instantly not on this list that you love?

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s article where we prepare for Halloween by recommending 6 slasher films you can stream on Netflix Watch Instantly right now!