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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 2014’s Most Underrated Horror Movies – Part I

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think you could get rid of us that easily, Internet? Hell no! While I hit a tremendous rough patch, getting buried under the pile of screeners now stacked erratically throughout my apartment, there have been too many damn good horror movies getting overlooked this year - and I don't like that one bit. Neither does my partner-in-crime Remy. You have to understand that Hollywood has a weird phobia against giving some of the best horror movies mainstream releases, and they fall idly into line with a slew of other forgettable to average Video On Demand releases - but they're ripe for the picking. To prove these diamonds in the rough exist, I've sounded the "Conch of Doom" and summoned back Remy, and we're ready once again to support the horror genre.

Remy – Wer

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I will tell you, Wer surprised me. I was not crazy about the final ten minutes of the film, and will admit that right off the jump, but other than that, this was an awesome and original take on the werewolf genre. A werewolf film quite unlike any you have seen before, and that is what made it stand out to me.

Wer is a movie about a female lawyer who ends up defending a client against a murder charge that seems to have some really interesting aspects to it. A family vacationing in the French countryside were attacked and mauled, and the police arrest a local man who seems like he may very well be involved. Problem is, the surviving member of the family says it was an animal. She also calls it a man. She then dies, so we know little else. They bring a strange man from the countryside in, and we see the story from the perspective of the lawyer, who thinks they are just picking on this guy because he is strange and may have some mental problems. I will not tell you any more because the twists and turns are what make this a wholly original take on a stale genre. Hell, it’s a werewolf movie that only manages to use that silly word twice, and they do an interesting and original job spinning the “werewolf” thing into a sort of disease we have never experienced before.

It may not be the tightest werewolf film you have seen, but it sure is the tightest werewolf movie that has come out since Dog Soldiers. Also, the representation of the werewolf in this movie is actually scary, like some raging beast you have no chance of surviving. The ending putters out with a lame “battle” scene, but outside of that, the originality and pacing of this movie lands it on this list.