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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water…

In an uncharacteristic showing of gratitude, Remy and I decided to save this week's topic until summer was almost over. Why? Because this week we're writing about our favorite underwater creature flicks, and we'll be talking about all those evil movies that make you stay as far away from the beach as possible. See, we were nice enough not to ruin any of your aquatic-themed vacations this summer - we aren't that mean.


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In an uncharacteristic showing of gratitude, Remy and I decided to save this week’s topic until summer was almost over. Why? Because this week we’re writing about our favorite underwater creature flicks, and we’ll be talking about all those evil movies that make you stay as far away from the beach as possible. See, we were nice enough not to ruin any of your aquatic-themed vacations this summer – we aren’t that mean.

I’m in the same boat as all of you, though. Don’t think these movies didn’t absolutely destroy all water-based activities for me after being thoroughly freaked out, especially as a young kid. I’ve already eluded to the effects films like Jaws and Lake Placid had on me as a child, almost ruining entire vacations, so don’t be ashamed by your fear of all things moist. Including the word moist. Mmm, just say it. Moist. Moist. Yuck, such a disgusting word. ….Moist. DAMMIT!

Avoid any lakes, run away from the beach, evacuate all water parks, lock the shower door, cover your toilet, and smash that glass of water you’re holding against the wall – Remy and I are going to have you fearing the water, again. Let’s take a look at our favorite films that left some blood in the water to remind us we’re never safe. Ever.