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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Are They Dead Yet?

Ok, not to get all morbid again right after Remy and I recently talked about apocalypse music, movie character zombie posses, and smoldering horror babes, but the two of us are jumping back on the negativity train once again. This week, we'll be attacking those NOT so lovable characters that populate our horror films, undoubtably pissing us off to the nth degree.Be it someone who is a flat-out unenjoyable dick, or whiney pain, or just a poorly written personality not worth a single minute of screen time, these are the characters who we wish the most gratuitous death scene possible upon - and fast.

Nato: William from Chatroom

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Ok, aside from the horror-less Chatroom being an unabashedly awful waste of everyone’s time, main character William, played by Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass), had me wishing for his exit all too quick just based off his enraging emo whining and attempts to encourage others to harm themselves. He was a coward who basically got off on watching other people do what he wanted to, plain and simple. Wah, my parents don’t love me. Wah, everyone is better than me. Wah, why am I even here. Oh my god, not to be insensitive to the circumstance, but holy crap, just off yourself and get this abomination over with!

Then you meet his family, the biggest factor “depressing” him, and they barely do anything wrong. I begrudgingly watched Will’s selfish actions and awful acting suck up the screen far too long for a film found in the “Horror” section on my cable’s Video On Demand list, finally bringing sweet suicidal justice to such a blank and poorly constructed character. We have to wait far too long for this release though. Like, 97 minutes too long.