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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Disturbingly Cringe-Worthy Horror Deaths

OK, Remdog and I are pretty hardcore horror fans who have been desensitized to the brutal violence and merciless gore our favorite genre unapologetically promotes, to the extent that our family and friends worry about our sanity - but even we come across some kill scenes too much for even two seasoned veterans to handle. I know, it's damn hard to believe, but every once and a while we see something so unnerving, so perverse, so visually repulsive that even we tend to cringe a little, but just a little. We're still super-messed up, but there is some notion of sanity left that snaps us back into reality at times.

Nato: Needle Pit (Saw II)

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OK, no one dies during this scene, so I’m cheating a little, but f#ck you, I don’t like needles. I don’t like them one bit. Every time I go to the doctor’s office and need any kind of injection or test of some kind, I refuse to watch the needle puncture my skin and enter my usually protected body. So how do you think I reacted when poor Amanda is thrown unwillingly into a pit of what appear to be dirty, grimy, most likely infected used needles? I flinched, squirmed, freaked, and sat uncomfortably perturbed the entire time.

I don’t know why, but I can just feel the needles and imagine myself being stabbed by an entire pit full of them, poking and prodding me the whole time my exposed arms sift through the little medicinal daggers – OK I have to end this quick because I feel myself passing out.

Seriously though, a pit full of needles is one of the worst things I could ever imagine, and Saw II made that a reality. I don’t even know what’s worse, pulling your arm out of the plastic sea to find it riddled with dangling new “piercings,” or pulling the needles out one by one, each needle tugging at your skin with every pull.

I don’t care that Amanda didn’t die in the pit, this is one scene I’m NEVER able to sit through unruffled.