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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Disturbingly Cringe-Worthy Horror Deaths

OK, Remdog and I are pretty hardcore horror fans who have been desensitized to the brutal violence and merciless gore our favorite genre unapologetically promotes, to the extent that our family and friends worry about our sanity - but even we come across some kill scenes too much for even two seasoned veterans to handle. I know, it's damn hard to believe, but every once and a while we see something so unnerving, so perverse, so visually repulsive that even we tend to cringe a little, but just a little. We're still super-messed up, but there is some notion of sanity left that snaps us back into reality at times.

Remy: Achilles Cut (Pet Semetary)

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Don’t even act like this doesn’t make you squirm, because the thought of this makes EVERYONE squirm. You know the scene. The little dead kid is hiding under the old guy’s bed, and he reaches out with a scalpel and cuts his Achilles tendon, rendering the man’s leg useless.

Do you know why this bothers us? Because when we see it, we imagine it. That scary thought of someone hiding under your bed, waiting to hurt you, and then the idea of your ankle being slashed, as you fall to the ground, bringing you to eye level with an evil dead kid (not Evil Dead like the movie, but as in he is evil and he is dead) – yup, thanks for the mental scar. This kill plays on so many of our fears, and does so in a way that ensures we never forget it.