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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Disturbingly Cringe-Worthy Horror Deaths

OK, Remdog and I are pretty hardcore horror fans who have been desensitized to the brutal violence and merciless gore our favorite genre unapologetically promotes, to the extent that our family and friends worry about our sanity - but even we come across some kill scenes too much for even two seasoned veterans to handle. I know, it's damn hard to believe, but every once and a while we see something so unnerving, so perverse, so visually repulsive that even we tend to cringe a little, but just a little. We're still super-messed up, but there is some notion of sanity left that snaps us back into reality at times.

Nato: Pregnant Mother (Dream Home)

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It’s one thing to kill a defenseless woman, it’s another thing to kill a defenseless pregnant woman, and then it’s a COMPLETELY other thing to kill a defenseless pregnant woman and her baby by brutally suffocating her in a show of dominance and cruelty – even if it’s only to make the perfect apartment available to you.

I think what makes Josie Ho’s killing spree in Dream Home all the more sickening revolves around her selfish reasoning, killing off residents in an apartment complex just to drive down the price of a unit she dreams of owning. Yes, the poor mother pictured above is suffocated using one of those vacuum-sealed packing bags one would put clothes in and suck the air out of to save space. An innocent dead mother, an even more innocent dead baby, and Ho is only one more corpse closer to her own homely nirvana.

Everything about this kill is brutal and wrong, pushing the boundaries of what we expect from a horror kill. I mean, an unborn baby?!