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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Disturbingly Cringe-Worthy Horror Deaths

OK, Remdog and I are pretty hardcore horror fans who have been desensitized to the brutal violence and merciless gore our favorite genre unapologetically promotes, to the extent that our family and friends worry about our sanity - but even we come across some kill scenes too much for even two seasoned veterans to handle. I know, it's damn hard to believe, but every once and a while we see something so unnerving, so perverse, so visually repulsive that even we tend to cringe a little, but just a little. We're still super-messed up, but there is some notion of sanity left that snaps us back into reality at times.

Nato: Random Bodyguard (A Serbian Film)

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Ok, I could have just listed A Serbian Film in its entirety for this post, because picking the most disturbing kill out of all this filth was like picking who is the most vile criminal out of Bundy, Gacy, and Dahmer. I mean, there’s a scene where Milos is forced to have sex with an “actress” doggy style, beats her senseless, and then goes to town on her with a machete – and yet I’m picking another kill scene as the most graphically unsettling.

Past the newborn porn, past the incestuous horrors, past the random acts of sexual violence, Milos finally has enough. As the film ends and he goes on a vengeful killing spree, one poor bastard suffers the most horrifying porno death ever imagined.

After beating a few characters to a pulp, Milos, still “rock hard” I may add, gives the performance of a lifetime by thrusting his mighty rod like a spear right into this man’s eye socket, bringing “skull f#cking” to an entirely new level. Could you imagine the horrors of watching some dude’s throbbing schlonger coming straight for your eye, and then feeling it enter your cranial cavity only to skewer your brain? Yeah, I’m out.

Seriously, if this was Mortal Kombat, Milos’ Fatality would have put him in the history books of “Kills Involving A Man’s Penis,” but I’m pretty sure the competition is pretty limp. ZING.