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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Disturbingly Cringe-Worthy Horror Deaths

OK, Remdog and I are pretty hardcore horror fans who have been desensitized to the brutal violence and merciless gore our favorite genre unapologetically promotes, to the extent that our family and friends worry about our sanity - but even we come across some kill scenes too much for even two seasoned veterans to handle. I know, it's damn hard to believe, but every once and a while we see something so unnerving, so perverse, so visually repulsive that even we tend to cringe a little, but just a little. We're still super-messed up, but there is some notion of sanity left that snaps us back into reality at times.

Remy: First Kill (High Tension)

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I am not talking about the oral sex from the decapitated head. No, I am talking about the scene when the madman breaks into the house, shoves the Dad’s head into the stairwell banisters, and then proceeds to sever his head with a bureau. Though I adored horror my whole life, I had NEVER seen a kill like that in a movie, and it just grabbed me and punched me in the gut right away, stealing my breath and never giving it back for the entirety of the movie. While I can openly admit I am no fan of the ending, I still think High Tension is one of the best horror movies ever made from the level of constant panic the viewer feels.

Also, did anyone notice a trend on my list? Five credibility points to whomever tells me what it is in the comments.

I will give you a hint: Aja.

Crap, that was too obvious, huh?