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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Man, These Characters Can Take A Beating

While horror movies are always violent and messy, some characters just get it worse. I mean, it's one thing to be gutted and killed on the spot like most genre victims, but it's another thing to suffer multiple wounds, fight your way through a majority of the film, and then be killed off anyway, as your efforts only prolonged your suffering. Nice try and all, but was it really worth getting all your limbs broken, an eye ripped out, and THEN your throat cut open? Gosh, if I ever have to die in a slasher movie, just make it quick and get it over with.

Remy – Sara from Inside

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Inside (590 x 389)

Okay, so you are a woman who lives alone, and you are pregnant, and it is Christmas eve. Last thing you think is that someone is going to attack you and try to take your baby out of your stomach – which is just what “the woman” from Inside does.

From the first few minutes these two interact, the character Sara receives constant abuse and violence. French films put their protagonists through absolute Hell (which is something you will see compounded upon in the next entry), and Inside is no exception. Oh, and to make matters worse, all the violence carries a much heavier impact because of the pure terror that stems from the simple fact that this is all happening to a woman who is mere days away from giving birth. Like, water can break at any minute kind of pregnant.

Nato – Jean Claude Segal in Feast III: The Happy Finish


I know most of you haven’t seen the deteriorated ending to John Gulager’s Feast series, and I can’t blame you, but for those die hard fans like me who stuck through until the bitterly sour end, you’ll remember the character Jean Claude Segal – and his horrid fate.

Showing up with the mantra of kicking ass and taking names, it isn’t too soon before our martial arts expert has his arm torn off by one of the monsters, and he’s forced to fight down one weapon. Then as the bartender attempts to cauterize his wound, he accidentally blows off Jean Claude’s other arm, rendering him useless except for some unbalanced roundhouse kicks. Making it through a majority more of the movie armless, he finally decides to sacrifice himself so the group can run ahead, kicking the crap out of as many infected townspeople/monsters as he can. Unfortunately for stumpy though, his legs only take him so far, and he’s brutally torn in half.

With a parody name like Jean Claude Segal, it’s no surprised he didn’t last long in the Feast universe, but hell, at least he went out like a champ.