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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Dare: The Stuff (1985) Vs. Bloody Birthday (1981)

The Netflix Watch Instantly horror catalog is a bit of an untamed beast. On one hand, you've got recently released horror hits and storied classics to choose from, providing a quality watch for you and your mates. Want to watch a safe movie that's going to rule? Oh, this Cabin In The Woods movie has phenomenal ratings - let's give it a go! You all watch it, you all enjoy it, and everyone goes home happy - but what's the fun in that?


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The Netflix Watch Instantly horror catalog is a bit of an untamed beast. On one hand, you’ve got recently released horror hits and storied classics to choose from, providing a quality watch for you and your mates. Want to watch a safe movie that’s going to rule? Oh, this Cabin In The Woods movie has phenomenal ratings – let’s give it a go! You all watch it, you all enjoy it, and everyone goes home happy – but what’s the fun in that?

Since I’m a gambler, I decided to ask Remy to dare me to watch any horror film currently streaming on Netflix, and likewise I’d do the same for him. Yes, I know the implications such a request carries, with some severely demented/terrible titles available to choose from, but playing the Netflix Dare game runs the full risk/reward spectrum – you could witness the highest of highs, or the lowest of lows. With that in mind, it’s so damn hard to pick from this collage of vibrant, gory, redonkulous set of posters (the true judge of Netflix quality) – so why not just let someone else pick for you? Yup, this is the very first Netflix Dare: Presented by Nato and Remy.

This week, I dared Remy to watch Bloody Birthday (1981) because the poster was based on a sinister birthday cake, and I was dared to watch The Stuff (1985) based on an equally traumatizing poster. Would we be getting a trick or a treat this Halloween? Let’s find out.