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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Dare: The Stuff (1985) Vs. Bloody Birthday (1981)

The Netflix Watch Instantly horror catalog is a bit of an untamed beast. On one hand, you've got recently released horror hits and storied classics to choose from, providing a quality watch for you and your mates. Want to watch a safe movie that's going to rule? Oh, this Cabin In The Woods movie has phenomenal ratings - let's give it a go! You all watch it, you all enjoy it, and everyone goes home happy - but what's the fun in that?


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While this was the first time we’ve dared each other to review a random Netflix Watch Instantly horror movie, it most certainly won’t be the last. I can assure you more of these will come, because now the two of us have a reason to watch old, crazy-ass horror movies that have gotten lost in the shuffle! Maybe we’ll even start taking dares from our readers? A little audience participation to liven up the game? What do you guys think about that, getting the chance to try and break Remy or Nato? Go ahead, give us your best shot, we’ll keep the titles in mind for future Netflix Dares.

In the meantime, Happy Halloween everyone!

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s article where we prepare for Halloween by recommending 6 of the best foreign horror movies you can stream on Netflix Watch Instantly right now!