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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: What Scares Us?

Join Matt Donato and Remy Carreiro as they tackle the horror genre one topic at a time. This week, the duo discuss what films scare them to death!

Nato – Paranormal Activity

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Yes, I’m completely aware numerous people found this film to be a crock of shite worth nothing less than a Ghost Hunters spin-off gone sour, but I was one of the many who did not. To put it delicately, Oren Peli’s paranormal horror haunted me for weeks after viewing.  To put it crudely, Oren Peli f@cked up my nights for what seemed like a sleepless eternity. Seriously, I dreaded going to sleep, darting my eyes around my dimly lit college dorm waiting for a book to fall, a door to shut, or a flippin’ body to be thrown through my pitch black doorway. Honest to goodness, I got home from a midnight screening to an empty dorm suite for the weekend, and you bet your ass I slept with my light on, door shut, TV on…and still was petrified at the smallest footstep or voice outside.

So why did it hit me so hard? I fear what I can’t see the most. No joke. I can watch every slasher in the book, every Friday the 13th, every A Nightmare on Elm Street…you won’t get a true rise out of me. Yet, “show” me a malevolent being which can be standing a mere foot from my face, just relishing in the horrors it’s about to put me through, and you sir have effectively invaded my sanity. You can’t fight something like this, or predict its actions, or even see something coming, yet it knows YOUR every move. Plus, then drawing such being’s existence to heaven and hell and the afterlife…no thank you!