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Nazis, Cheap Thrills, And Big Bad Wolves: The 13 Best Horror Movies Of 2014

While reflecting on an entire year's worth of horror movies may sound like a tremendous chore, there's no better feeling than reliving some of your favorite cinematic moments after the dust has settled and no more films remain unreleased. Sure, sifting through the worst of the worst may be not be an enviable task - which I did for my Worst Horror Movies Of 2014 feature already - but my "Best Of" work is where the movie Gods show their mercy. This is my exploration of the best horror had to offer this year, and my chance to tip my hat towards those horror films that remind me why a genre full of murder, mayhem, and spooky horrors provides the highest highs Hollywood can provide.

1) Afflicted

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Afflicted is the perfect “case and point” example in found footage horror this year, proving my feelings tenfold. If you look back on my Worst Of 2014 horror list, you’ll see that about half the listical is populated by found footage mockeries that do plenty more harm than good. Now, if you reflect back on the list you’re reading, you’ll notice that the only other found footage filmmaking comes from certain segments of The ABCs Of Death 2, with Derek Lee and Clif Prowse’s Afflicted being the ONLY pure found footage film worthy of “Top 13” honors – plus it clocks in at #1 on the year. When found footage is bad, damn it’s bad, but when it’s good, the benefits are unfathomable.

This is a movie with brass balls, reinventing the vampire genre in a way that can only be described as an intense genre film influenced by Chronicle. Lee and Prowse wear every hat on this production, and do so extremely well – their acting is lovable, Lee’s transformation is harrowing, the handling of vampire norms favors fangs over fluffiness, and the scares are legitimate. Afflicted is a blast from the buddy-comedy start to a bloody, vile finish, taking audiences on the most unique genre ride of 2014.