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Netflix’s Newest Original Movie Scores Rare 0% On Rotten Tomatoes

Netflix's latest original movie is still stuck on a Rotten Tomatoes score of 0%, despite being the platform's number one film.

The Last Days of American Crime

Everybody knows that the best movies aren’t always the most successful ones, as more than proven by Michael Bay’s Transformers films earning over $4 billion at the box office despite getting progressively worse with each new installment, while an all-time classic like The Shawshank Redemption initially bombed before everyone figured out that it was one of the greatest movies ever made.

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The advent and subsequent increase in the number of big budget projects that are designed exclusively for streaming has only muddied the waters further, because it doesn’t matter what it is, if Netflix drops a brand-new and splashy looking film onto the homepage of their 183 million subscribers worldwide, then huge viewership numbers are almost guaranteed, especially right now when there are millions of people still stuck at home looking for anything to whittle away a couple of hours.

Their last original movie to generate huge buzz was Chris Hemsworth’s Extraction, thanks to some jaw-dropping action scenes and a quickly-earned reputation as one of the year’s best entries in the genre. However, The Last Days of American Crime has fallen at the complete opposite end of the spectrum, and despite being the number one movie on Netflix over the weekend, most people are in agreement that it sucks.

The Last Days of American Crime

Having been released on Friday, and then quickly torn to shreds by the internet, you’d think that at least one positive review would have popped up by now. Unfortunately, though, that’s still not the case, with Olivier Megaton’s tedious heist flick still stuck on a Rotten Tomatoes score of 0% even after 24 different critics have weighed in with their opinions.

Things aren’t looking much better elsewhere, either, with the movie sitting not-so-pretty on an IMDb rating of just 3.7 and an embarrassing 18 on Metacritic. To put it into perspective, the scores for the much-maligned Fantastic Four reboot are 4.3 and 27 respectively, which should give you some idea of how bad Netflix‘s The Last Days of American Crime really is.