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New ‘The Marvels’ info may confirm a post-credits scene with massive implications for the MCU

Is the cat out of the bag for 'The Marvels' credits scene?

Monica Rambeau [L]. Captain Marvel [C], and Ms. Marvel [R] in a cropped poster for 'The Marvels'
Image via Marvel Studios

The Marvels is now just a few days away and, while the box office projections aren’t exactly positive reading, the hype fires may well be ignited by some very interesting new information. This comes to us courtesy of the official press kit for the movie, which may tell us more than Marvel Studios would have liked.

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This may well be a genuine spoiler for The Marvels, particularly the post-credit scenes, so if you want to go unsullied then do not read beyond this point.

A familiar tune

the marvels
Image via Marvel Studios

The press kit includes a list of credits, including music credits for the movie. At the bottom of this list are John Ottman’s X2: X-Men United and X-Men: Days of Future Past scores. Their being at the end of the music list likely means these pieces will be played at the very end of the movie, leading us to believe that they will feature in the post-credits scenes.

So, what can we expect here? Well, The Marvels‘ Ms Marvel is already one of the first mutants seen in the MCU, so perhaps we’ll see her embracing an X-shaped future. Then again, if we were going to see MCU versions of the X-Men, we doubt Marvel Studios would use the Fox universe scores.

But there’s one big connection to Fox’s X-universe in the pipeline: Hugh Jackman’s imminent return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. If I were a betting man, I’d put a decent wodge on The Marvels’ post-credits scene teasing his arrival in the MCU, perhaps in a scene that will directly lead into the story of Deadpool 3. Deadpool has his own score, so perhaps Ryan Reynolds won’t be along for the ride?

If we really are seeing the long-awaited return of Jackman’s Wolverine, expect interest in The Marvels to spike, though whether that’ll translate to ticket sales remains to be seen.

The Marvels hits domestic theaters on Nov. 10, 2023, but will be available internationally from Nov. 8, so we don’t have too long to wait to find out.