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Warner Won’t Be Launching A Standalone Superman Movie For Several Years

Based on The Hollywood Reporter's scoop, Warner Bros. won't be in a hurry to launch the next standalone Superman movie – with or without Henry Cavill.

Don’t hold your breath for a new Superman movie to see the warm light of day anytime soon.

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That’s one of the big takeaways coming out of The Hollywood Reporter’s scoop, which revealed that Warner Bros. had decided to part ways with Henry Cavill due to the actor’s Witcher commitment along with the fact that the Supergirl origin film has taken precedence at the studio.

Unsurprisingly, the Internet is in a state of mourning, with Warner Bros. expected to release an official statement on the matter at some stage this evening. But it seems Cavill is already out of the equation, which not only clips the wings of Man of Steel 2, but it’s also seemingly steered Warner in the direction of Michael B. Jordan, who may be the one to pick up the torch when the time comes.

And that’s just it. If today’s latest report is anything to go by, there won’t be a new Superman movie for quite some time.

Per THR:

Warners isn’t likely to make a solo Superman film for at least several years, according to another source. “Superman is like James Bond, and after a certain run you have to look at new actors,” says a studio source.

Next up for the fledgling DC Extended Universe is the launch of Aquaman this Christmas – December 21st, to be specific. Beyond that, only Shazam!, Joker and Wonder Woman 1984 hold firm release dates, which tells us that Warner’s superhero franchise is still very much in a state of flux amid the ongoing DC shake-up.

And much like Ben Affleck before him, it would seem there is now no place for Henry Cavill’s Superman, which only leaves us wondering about what could’ve been had the past four DC movies – Wonder Woman notwithstanding – been up to snuff.