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Norwegian Spider-Man fans need passports to see ‘No Way Home’

Webheads in Norway are going through extreme measures to be able to watch 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' - including hopping borders.

Spider-Man: No Way Home might be raking in cash across the globe at the moment, with one of the largest box office opening weekends ever, but there’s one corner of the world that isn’t fully immersed in Spider-Mania. Norway is currently unable to screen the threequel due to Norwegian governmental guidelines.

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Currently, a cinema can have a max capacity of 50 people per viewing due to COVID-19 in Norway. The restriction caused Sony to wait an entire month from its initial worldwide release, and the film will open in Norway on Jan. 14. Sony ideally wants it to play in fully packed cinemas without any restrictions to maximize profit, but strangely no other movies have been delayed in Norway.

Fans have not reacted well, and there are protest groups on Facebook hoping to get Sony’s attention and have the film released sooner.

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) reports that fans are hopping across the border into Sweden so they can see the film. Two men did so, as they felt they had no other choice to avoid spoilers and get the right cinema experience.

The duo, Simen Westgaard and Sindre Shjetne Valheim, documented their journey to neighboring Sweden to see the film on Tik Tok.

NRK also spoke to other fans about the film’s delayed release, with one woman even saying she’s deleted social media to avoid any potential spoilers. Samra Avdagić, an avid Spider-Man fan, and illustrator told NRK she had deleted YouTube and purposely liked other content on Instagram to confuse the algorithm and have no Spider-Man content show up.

The film has opened to very positive reviews worldwide, with the culmination of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man currently sitting on a 90% approval rating on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.